Mooskey Rescue / Análisis

Por Kraznoo82
26/06/2009 - 00:00:22
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 0.08 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You've recieved a desperate distress call from a creature called "'somblewonk."' Investigate!
You've recieved a desperate distress call from a creature called "'somblewonk."' Investigate!
Mensaje de victoria:
You've done it! The mooskeys will be eternally grateful.
You've done it! The mooskeys will be eternally grateful.
Mensaje de fracaso:
Oops! You've lost. You could always try again though. The Mooskeys need you!
Oops! You've lost. You could always try again though. The Mooskeys need you!
ACTO 1 : Rescue Mission
You got a distress call from this planet. Find out what's going on!
You got a distress call from this planet. Find out what's going on!
ACTO 2 : Rescue Mission
Use the key to free the Mooskeys. And don't let Snuffle see you!
Use the key to free the Mooskeys. And don't let Snuffle see you!
ACTO 3 : Rescue Mission
The Mooskeys want revenge on Snuffle. Help them fight him, but be careful! His missiles are deadly and accurate!
The Mooskeys want revenge on Snuffle. Help them fight him, but be careful! His missiles are deadly and accurate!
ACTO 4 : Victory!
You've done it! The Mooskeys are free and the evil Snuffle has been killed.
You've done it! The Mooskeys are free and the evil Snuffle has been killed.
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