User profile: Kingduembi


User registered: 02/18/2010 - 11:13:00

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Subscribed to Kingduembi



Kingduembi is subscribed to 17 Sporecasts

By Ivonne
02/04/2010 - 00:22:55

Das sind alle meine Geschenke die ich bekommen habe oder die ich gemacht habe.

Rating: 6

36 Subscriptions
299 Creations filed

By treverbyn
12/24/2010 - 19:45:07

A collection of some of the most exciting cities and colonies in the entire Spore Universe.

Rating: 412
Tags: [template, big, featured, colony, city, cacos, alien, building, amazing, feature, station, diverse, colonies, vibrant, cities, explore, treverbyn, planet, epic, collection, spore, adventure, species, culture, temple, galactic, outpost]

15005 Subscriptions
165 Creations filed

By alanw
08/01/2010 - 20:25:26

All creations to Garloc Contest!

Rating: 4
Tags: [made by alanw, contest, garlocalanw]

47 Subscriptions
24 Creations filed

By Ivonne
08/12/2010 - 15:50:12

Das sind die MailBoxen von Sporefreunden und alle die mich kennen.Hier könnt ihr schneller schreiben

Rating: 7

67 Subscriptions
80 Creations filed

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