Not rated

By SAM2003
01/05/2020 - 18:27:59
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: mods, test
Now that I've got your attention, I wanted to test sharing creations with this new mod I downloaded. Just play the adventure and comment what you see

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By 20Creator06
................................................i dunno............................................................................................................
By Azarilh
They look the same.
By creater555
but in the adventure it just look's like the carrot demon
By creater555
if i look at the creature in the sporepedia it say's creature locked becuse it has parts and color's i dont have
By creater555
one creature was orange with a BIIT darker orange stripe's and the other was blue
By SAM2003
or you could edit it. Don't think it matters.