Ask Dusty! =) ~Vupis92 (2)~
Not rated

By 42ndDevistation
08/26/2016 - 01:53:54
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: ask dusty!, blackleaf, blood lover, comic character, comic star, dusty, harsh, high regards of cruelity, killer, my partner, passionionist of the fine arts of killing, psycho's friend, rude, self esteem issues, trainer, warrior
Vupis92: Y-You play guitar? x'D That is great. No idea why.
Dusty: Of course I play the guitar Vupis! >FD My partner in crime Andrew sings and plays a mean piano too! >F3
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By Dragon258
What's you're favorite idea? Mine's being creative.
By RandomguyfromDK
I've also been playing a lot of No Man's Sky. I actually really like the game. 30 hours and counting, and i don't feel bored with it whatsoever. =/
By RandomguyfromDK
Anyways, new class, new system, new school, new homework....I've been a tiny bit busy.
By RandomguyfromDK
It's pretty much the last 3 years of highschool if i've understood it correctly.
By RandomguyfromDK
Well yeah - i'm out of that and i have moved on to the next step in our school system - "The gymnasium".
By RandomguyfromDK
What i've been up to? Well, you know how i told you the Danish school system is retarded and we go to the same school for 10 years?
By RandomguyfromDK
I don't really know what it's supposed to be - I was trying to make a creation called "The Flower Eater", but failed. It looked cool though, so i shared it.
By RandomguyfromDK
By Vupis92
Cya =D Pleasant dreams, friend. sry about the post office!
By Vupis92
=D Yeah you should watch it! It has minor spoilers, nothing big though
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