PR-S Zephyr Blade
Not rated
By Zephraxe8
05/29/2013 - 02:38:50
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: blade, combat, wind, zephyr
Inspired by Dounttron's spaceship designs. The Zephyr Blade has few weapons, but massive firepower. The ship's shields can absorb energy from enemy attacks to increase offensive power during combat.
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By dounttron
It's good to see I've inspired another creator. I'm glad you like my stuff. Spore's been kinda dead lately, but it's good to see there's still a few people who play it for the creations.
By dounttron
Wow! Nice design! I like the way the guns merge with the rest of the ship, and the extra features on the bottom are a nice touch. I also like what you did with the cockpit pieces at the front. Very nice work.