E1 Choosing a egg
Not rated

By Sparklespeed
12/01/2012 - 22:14:17
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: sparklespeed
"Hello Caption. My name is Sparkle, and I wish you ask you a favor. Come over the Vallinin for a special offer I have for you."

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By Blacknight7
You know, I think i'll take the earth egg.
By Blacknight7
Mmmhh... I don't know.... it's either the serpent egg or the mystery egg......
By Sparklespeed
Ahem, I almost forgot to say something! I won't relase water and earth eggs until if someone ask for them. So, keep that in mind!
By blackdragon64
hmmm, still attempting to get me back into the pokemon stuff, eh? Im interested....think ill go with the fire egg