Now on FH
Not rated

By Beth119
06/10/2012 - 00:28:08
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: beth119, cat, feline, template by beth119
I'm now on Feral Heart!
Username: DarkestShadows05
I'll be Rainstar, and you'll find me exploring mostly, but My home is at the top of Ascention Mountian. I might have wings but I like to switch from wings to no wings now and then.
Contact us at

By gillian876
I think the server's up now. I'll check again and see. :3
By gillian876
Well, if I could. It kept failing to connect to the front server. Maybe Kovu is fixing some bugs? .-. But I'll try to get on. :3
By gillian876
Sure! :D
By gillian876
And yes, that thing was Bearkit's tail.
By gillian876
Cool! I might get on today, after I change some of my characters. :3