
By gillian876
04/03/2012 - 20:19:17
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 7.5 (Good)
Tags: amde by gillian876, bunny, cakester, chick, derp, do not steal or snuggles will kill you, herp-derp, oreo's, peep, peep-mobile, rawr
I had to remake my peep-mobile because they had too much toothpicks in it. Anyways,this one is made out of jelly-eggs,toothpicks(I used less toothpicks this time)and Cakester-Oreo's! Derp and chickadee are ready to go...again!!!! :D
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By bradley30
Welcome to "The Dark Striders" RP series! :D
By ovipaulann
kk i'll have to se wht hollyleaf loooks like fisrt
By ovipaulann
so in the ga im makeing im gonna have bloodstar look at blood KIT lolz
By ovipaulann
oh i got an idea for a ga brb
By ovipaulann
XD lol
Thanx for the idea.^^
By ovipaulann
bloodkit:0_0 tht bunny has no legs
By gillian876
Oreo: Did someone say oreo's?!?!?! Must....eat.....oreo's......|*An oreo's truck passes by* Dreamstar: No Oreo don't-----*Oreo accidently destroys the first peep-mobile trying to chase the oreo truck* Dreamstar: .......