
By UnShavenMonkey
03/29/2012 - 15:26:20
Type: House building
Rating: 10 (Good)
Tags: ushanabala kul...
this is the main fleetship, it is the size of a planet, and has its own atmosphere that strands to 20,000,000 miles, if youre in that mile span, they can ditirorate you with a certain unknown power... which is able to monipulate every particle, enywere.
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By tref6
This looks like something I saw in a retirement commercial. XD
By chantal71
The Hellspino Empire can similarily control particles.
By Quinkan96
Now THAT'S a starship!
By JsCreations123
Cool. Like the continent on top. :o R+
By baconbrooke
collios man ^v^ great job!
By 32Xer
I want that ship! :D
By ClanJones
Pretty cool.
By 98pete1
how would you drive that?