Wastelander Mobile Home 1

By CloudyVision
01/27/2012 - 01:45:37
Type: House building
Rating: 5 (Good)
Tags: apocalypse, cloudyvision, junk, mobile home, projectapocalypse, scrap, wasteland, wastelander
For Project Apocalypse.
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By Drew980
This is pretty cool
By DH106
Good point about the windscreen - I must try this indeed. I struggled quite a bit with the windows; flat plates on a rounded beetle just do not do it... Thank You for the tip!
By Quinkan96
Thanx for the tip!
By curius
Wery nice shak, effects well used.
By Quinkan96
I know how to tilt anything but bases and roofs.
By Malganis_Lefay
very nice construction and interior
By DH106
This one is splendid in its shabbiness. I like the slant smoke pipe, it shows the inhabitant has kept some sense of cleanliness and does not want all the soot inside... R+.
By foreverpiping
In a post apocalyptic world this would probably qualify as a mansion! .lol..R+
By Quinkan96
Could you give me some tips on how to make buildings like this?