Oriental Take 2
Not rated
By T3hPiti
12/08/2011 - 13:29:15
Type: House building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: t3hpiti
TarsTarka beat me a Summer ago in the ultimate summer create off that Rebecca hosted. A year later Drew980 has this theme of oriental buildings. While my opponent is not Tars, I'm treating it as if my opponent is, and have amped up my old entry to this.
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By K1llerhawk
By Pezzalis
Lookin good!
By Mushroomking1
I should take a look around your builds page, and see which I'll be adding to my Fantastic 500 sc. So far, this one's definitely in ;)
By Mushroomking1
Dude awesome design, it's a lot better than your earlier one actually :3 Love all teh details i.e. the steps and guildid eaves, it looks fantastic
By jayguy7
very good
By madfox118
By Drew980
Love this. Looks much better in game.