Super Sherm Episode 2
Not rated

By Shocktoad
11/07/2011 - 02:02:06
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: aaritter, digrocoen, epic creature, mayor, shocktoad, super sherm
Super Sherm Episode 2: Epic Demolition
You are about to get awarded the Metal of Justice, then a Aaritter Epic creature comes to destroy the City Hall! The military can't defeat the monster, so take it down before the city is destroyed!

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By bearfane
this is awsome. oh and this was HILARIOUS:ok so i was about to finish the beast thing off in this. when out of nowhere a red car comes and kills it for me. =D
By Shocktoad
This is a ATTACK adventure!
By Bushy98
Maybe you can make the next one a Multi-part enemy. Like there is a head that you need to kill and them some tentalcles that respawn when you kill them.
By captconan
I think that the next episode should be about evil sherm amassing an army of minions and trying to take over the city!
By captconan
I think you should give evil Sherm powers and make him Super Sherm's archenemy.
By eme12
I wonder how you can make ANYTHING harder then that.
By eme12
Gues what I leaded the Monster out of the city to kill it, and then when we got to the Forest it went back to the city, but I killed it as soon as it got back to the city.
By eme12
This was SO Fun!
By Shocktoad
If you played the first episode, then please play this one!