Ratter's Ride-Action pose
Not rated


By Prototype00
11/04/2011 - 02:50:13

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.25 (Not rated)
Tags: action pose, fighter, rat


I was originaly going to go black and brown for the colour scheme, but I couldn't find a way to make that look good. I hope that this is a better thumbnail then the original. Odly enough I used the same template to make the Sky Tank.



I don't like the "Poses". They look awesome in sporepedia, yes, but in game the ships look like they got shot down...

By Draconis115

I have an idea, if you give me your E-Mail I'll mail you the parts of the story. but if you don't want to then I understand, it's quite private information ater all.

By Draconis115

I love the way it is posed and I have a little problem spore doesn't want to apply my next part of the story to the Dilca Shuttle


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