Children of Bodom
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Just got back from a Children of Bodom concert in Seattle. AWESOME. AMAZING. What other words could describe it? Brilliant? You want some GOOD Metal? Look em' up!
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Just got back from a Children of Bodom concert in Seattle. AWESOME. AMAZING. What other words could describe it? Brilliant? You want some GOOD Metal? Look em' up!
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By Gascloog
I WANNA GO TO A CONCERT WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not fair
By tomographics
@your comment: I don't think i have. I have only read played SM Galaxy and Mario Kart.
By tomographics
Thanks for the comment!
By Xenopologist
@your comment: Actually that version is only shared because my collab partners on the GGS team mentioned in the description need a creature-only version of it. It's intended to be outfitted, otherwise I would have detailed more extensively.
By WideWonder
Thank you for the words of sympathy. And for the compliment on my Message creation! Yes, I'm doing okay: thank you for asking!
By Koopa Troopa
I Guess so, but I don't know. I updated from a Vista to a Windows.
By Koopa Troopa
Do what with a mac?
By Headbangosaurus
my fav metal bands are: hammerfall ensiferum and alestorm xD
By Gascloog
hahahaha yeah i bet they were awesome. i wish i came :(
By Carnoroarus
@Looney Oh yeah
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