Who's That Video Game Character
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By EStraight
06/25/2011 - 16:41:12
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: !, !!!, ?, ???, character, contest, cute, developer, don't bother looking at the tags for answers, funny, game, go, is, odd, producer, race, sprite, that, trophy, vidoe, what, wierd
Give the name of the character, the game that he/she was in, the exact system it was released for (look at the sprite), the company(s) that made it, and the year it was made. First to get them all right earns 15 comments and my seal of approval. GO!
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By shacho
Why does everyone think this guy is Dr. Robotnik/Dr. Eggman? This guy looks nothing like him.
Lol, now I have to go solve it. XD
Doctor Robotnik?
By tomographics
Good work!
By Rebdulls
... 8-bit artworks will always remind me of the game Depict on the Ipod Touch ;3 Very fun. Keep up the marvelous a spectacular artworks! l3 ~ Tania
By Rebdulls
.. Cheers, for your kind words and motivation. Really cute little 8-bit character you've re-created here. Gee, if only I knew it's name right now - in regards to the description's questions, Haha! l3 ~ Tania
By Rebdulls
And hehe, I must agree also with that statement - I have been heavily inspired by various video games, artists, producers and even musicians - all of whom are very talented, and bring a bit of fun into a child's personality and love for their hobby(s) etc.
By Rebdulls
Thanks for the lovely comment(s). l3 And agreed - Zekrom's physical appearance is somewhat eerie, bold and very intriguing as opposed to, but no less brilliantly crafted - Reshi's beautiful design a well thought of character in general.. very inspiring.
By Sardog
Yes, your right!^^ i love that game.
By Sardog
LOL funny Spaceship comment!^^
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