Black Ops Zombies
Not rated

By BabyYoshi123
06/05/2011 - 08:26:01
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: black ops, black ops zombies, cod, zombie, zombies
Map 1: Kino De Toten.
Fight for your Life in the first map of Black Ops Zombies! Play as you fight 30 waves of zombies!

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By BabyYoshi123
Credit to Midman for the Kino der Toten map.
By pacman1029
Kino der Toten means Cinema of the Dead
By Gobi_
Wanna know whats funny? Nobody knows what Kino der toten means or how its pronounced. lol
By koenvt
Wow, really awesome job! Nice!
By BabyYoshi123
@Reptile06: Yes. It's a little mastake
By Nathontue
You didn't make it exact to some parts. Like the rooms were a bit inaccurate, but still, sweet.
By Reptile06
Kino Der Toten?
By Nathontue
Dude, sweet job. The only problem, which probly wasn't your fault, were the zombies were unreponsive somtimes, I just content surfed in the editor, and you did awesome. If you make a new one, tell me, and I can help you out with the creatures.