Not rated

By MrWeezee
06/02/2011 - 02:26:30
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.27 (Not rated)
Tags: not racist, ploxl, prepubescenet, shadowraptor101, troll, weezee
I figured since 90% of people rage if all you do is make a cretion of something relevant to them being killed, that I'd do this. Keep on spamming me with complaints, shadowrapist1n0ob1.
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By Shocktoad
I know Hebrew, some what...
By bigbear629
how very immature.
you are crazy!
By DreadTribe
You haters!!I WILL DESTROY YOU!! I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!*crazy laughter*
By Ryan1098
To wtr409: Your point? Little kids wander onto sites like youtube, and hear the same kind of stuff. You suggesting they keep their language clean? Nope. Free speech is allowed thre.
By ClanJones
Can't you people just get along! We are ALL entitled to our opinions!
By MrWeezee
@maceman99: I lol'd
By maceman99
And don't even try making some witty comeback. I blocked you.
By maceman99
You better stop making this creations. Cause you might not have noticed,but there's a little thing called "Rating Down" and "Report Creation".
By MrWeezee
t3hpiti, If he is BETTER than me in a half-@ssed game, then that means he must sit away at his chair and play this game 24/7 meaning he HAS no life.
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