Jayco C-27 'Defender' V DH106
By starfleet55
04/25/2011 - 01:54:18
Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: starfleet55
a ground based air superiority fighter. Original by and all credits to Starfleet55, just slightly edited by me. BTW., his page is very much worth a look.
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By DH106
... one. This will cause the concerned part to only use half the original complexity - used on a whole creation, this helps a lot. Only do this though when You no longer want to tweak the part; after this treatment editing is a bit harder.
By DH106
Another little thing: If You like to gain a serious amount of free complexity, also use asymmetry on symmetric parts. Those fuselage parts all consist of two identical elements originally; by holding down A and clicking them You can remove the second...
By DH106
Thank You for all Your comments - and I am glad You like my little alterations to Your design.