Not rated

By MrWeezee
02/02/2011 - 03:58:30
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: duke always said he had balls of steel!
Ok, in these next couple of creations, I will describe you and the idiots who repeated your actions. So they're basically stupid little kids who see their friend was attacked in flamewar, only too retarded to realize it went on about a month ago.
Contact us at

By MrWeezee
@habani1: I believe you mean"You're an idiot", not "Your a idiot"
By habani1
By Andy912live
I'm back......For now...
By Jbeau
yea... the fat lady already sung so to speak....
By minun312
hey im no idiot,im trying to stop these wars
By Lestrange
You forgot the Mouth on this Creation, This is SO TRUE!