Mario contest!
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make a mario cration like yoshi,bowser,mario,koopa trapper.Who ever wins earns something its not this you'ell see coment to join.
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make a mario cration like yoshi,bowser,mario,koopa trapper.Who ever wins earns something its not this you'ell see coment to join.
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By Gage663
uhh we need more ppl
By Gage663
in 3 days
By 06rg11
and when is the closing date
By 06rg11
could you make a sporecast for the ccontest
By Gage663
cobra6099 u can do mario?
By Gage663
oh thx
By 06rg11
I made 2
By 06rg11
btw it's koopa troopa not koopa trapper
By 06rg11
great i'll make something
By Cobra6099
You don't have to join, you just play my series. What I meant was if anyone want their creatures on my adventure series. So just tell me which creature you want me to put in my adventure. :)
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