Defiler Ion Frigate

By Alexdestroy
11/03/2010 - 08:19:38
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -3 (Bad)
Tags: alexdestroy, awakening, beam, bio, corvette, eclipse, fighter, green, laser, norad, project, system
This is a Medium-class frigate with a big ion beam cannon. It need 40 crew to can lead the ship. The captain's deck has advenced protection. It have strong multiphase shield. It has a special ship chassis.
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By Baley94
Mint egy t?zokáldó sárkány kb :D
By Emmal_II
By Alexdestroy
jajjj az összes csócsos dolog a vége felé mutat xD az eleje meg az ion ágyú. meg a híd is el?re néz.
By Bogikoma
Nagyon jó lett! Csak nemtudom megkülönböztetni az elejét a végét?l. :P