Masolite Systems Vehicle
Not rated

By Sammy39O
09/03/2010 - 11:01:31
Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: britain, british, england, hover main battle tank, hover mbt, hover tank, main battle tank, mbt, northern ireland, scotland, tank, wales
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By Sammy39O
I also wasn't aware that everyone hates stealers. I worked on this tank for a while and changed an awful lot. That's quite different than copying someone else's creation.
By Sammy39O
As for railguns; they're quite useful against modern-day equipment, but for an interstellar empire they wouldn't be much use against highly dense armor or projectile-intercepting lasers etc.
By Sammy39O
Hover tech is inneficient - sorry. Based on your description, burning chemicals to create upthrust is like running a VTOL jet constantly. If it's run-of-the-mill chemical reactions then you'd need an astronomical amount of onboard fuel just to hover.
By luckyburdock
Yeah, but everyone also hates stealers. BTW - how is hover tech and Railguns ineffective? If you read the description you can see how the hover systems work, and railguns have been created in real life and it's only a matter of decades before we see Milit
By Sammy39O
I'm sorry, I didn't wish to offend anyone, but everyone can see that I've edited this from your tank, through the lineage section.
By luckyburdock
Excuse me, but this is not your work. It was created by me and you've ruined i with ugly add-ons, please delete.