41 Subscribers!!!!
Not rated

By Sdlhf
08/29/2010 - 22:17:13
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: sdlhf
Thank you all who subbed me.Even though I am not worthy of subs,like CopperLou,flamestar,Rebecca1208,kiwi224,werderfan1012,Antarcticas,Parkaboy,Godziboy1993,JadeElf,and many,MANY others,I still have subs. Even though I have horrible creations,you all still like my creations.Even if there was only one person who liked them I would still be happy.You do not know how happy I am. So,to you 41 subscribers,thank you.
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By Neurosis
Congrats :)......i have 33....or 32 (i added myself as buddy by mistake and its not fair D:>)
By vlad0567
Good job :)
Your creations aren't that bad!I like them,so that's why I subbed to you.