You're Invited
Not rated

By omnivex
08/24/2010 - 03:34:22
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.34 (Not rated)
Tags: marriage, milkandcookies, omnivex, planning
This joke was fun while it lasted.
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By omnivex
08/24/2010 - 03:34:22
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.34 (Not rated)
Tags: marriage, milkandcookies, omnivex, planning
This joke was fun while it lasted.
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By omnivex
By Martin-Eberhardt
I don't know how you do it.... You are an amazing creator, Omnivex!
By ChaosmosX12
The F***
By Rastus11
Hey I'm invited to what?
By YinYangBell
OMNI! Don't you go making that thread you mentioned. Cuz there's a thread for all Sporeddings now. And I don't want you to. Cuz it isn't true!
By YinYangBell
Confusing comment on mah mudkip is confusing.
By YinYangBell
I'm REALLY sorry... forgive me!
By Loonquawl
Heh, sounds entertaining
By Pokochan98
Are you going to have the "wedding" on a forum or creation?
By omnivex
Alright let me get this straight to you guys. This was a inside joke gonna crazy. It was simple enough when I made the ring to MaC as a joke on a chatroll. YYB took it major with the thread and I thought I'd go with it. Its a joke!
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