Spora Hotels
Not rated

By Gakon
07/24/2010 - 05:16:04

Type: House building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


Spora Hotels is a spora corporation that provides a living space for Spora citizens


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By apeman54

Heya bud!

By lavapit

Were shutting down commication so the grox dont find us call again until then goodbye

By lavapit

ok bye...

By lavapit

The grox automaticly send us theer audio files it's a downloader from when we were there drones

By lavapit

Wow I thought you were going to brutuly slaughter us for being grox drones

By lavapit

We know all the groxes plans there saved in our data base

By lavapit

But theres one thing we know the grox have a secret weapon it kills everything it is programmed to kill they gave up on us but they may use it one day

By lavapit

There home world is covered in sand and is very hot due to the hot lava moon

By lavapit

Na thats no fun besides the ramnon are freindly and it dousent use energy that I have to pay for!

By lavapit

Ive been to hotels in sao polo but I want to go to an alien hotel :D

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