Attack Of The Chipmunks Part 1
Not rated

By Scrapinfire
06/23/2010 - 22:45:07

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: awsome, chipmunks, eagles, scrapinfire


King Chub Chub has Invaded and drastically changed the planet of the Eaglends from it's once Butiful colors and forests.



By sarry2

that was impossible to kill the king!

By Kraznoo82

It might annoy people if I told them to play it, I don't think my advice would carry much weight. You could post about the adventure in the forum on the website though!

By Kraznoo82

This a great-sounding adventure. Unfortunately I have no creepy and cute so can't play, but i thought I'd letcha know that it sounds awesome! :)


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