Symbol of Honour
Not rated

06/13/2010 - 08:52:27

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


If you see someone with this, and you haven't done anything majorly evil in the past year, then you can bet that you are safe (or in some cases safer than otherwise) untill the barer has left your immidiate vasinity. Even after that you are probably far safer that you would be.


By Groxian3000

By the way, when he is talking about a race, I suggest using my Gujati race (They own TS in the spore universe) and take their parts off, then re-custimize it. The original creature version was sadly lost in a PC accident.

By Alex27123344

well, the reason we suggest making a race and a captain, is so they could be used in tretellia adventures if needed. i still avent really completed my captain, or started on the race, so it doesnt matter too much

By Groxian3000

We would love to have you! Go to our sporum page here (http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/53842.page) and post a Tretellia related creation. Please read the whole original post! Thankyou!


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