Draymon's Nimbus
Not rated
By Rakarok
06/05/2010 - 01:40:09
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.36 (Not rated)
Tags: nimbus, rakarok, ship, space
It's been a long time. But I'm back and healthy again. Hello, universe; this is Draymon's Nimbus. Enjoy.
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By GuineaDilong
I like how it's angled down a bit, adds a nice touch.
By Prickle27
Great job! I love the paint and details. R+
By Rallz
I really like the "engine core" kinda thingy at the back.
By Digonda
Awesome creation! Sweet design and over-all Great job! R+!
By Terranrokz
ooo, pretty. Great job on the engine and cockpit!
By MachinaMortalis
Love the colors and texture you used, sweet looking ship!
By Emmal_II
Cool ship, I like it. Like the config. Cool paint too. R+:)