By Snatchus05/28/2010 - 18:38:37
Type: House buildingRating: -1 (Not rated)Tags: gaprop
By Lenni92 I used the translate of google ;)
By Lenni92 I learn english and french at school but swedish is also not bad ;) Jag hoppas detta är rätt kurs ;)
By Lenni92 Your german is not bad, but I would say: In der Schule lerne ich deutsch. ;)
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By Lenni92
I used the translate of google ;)
By Lenni92
I learn english and french at school but swedish is also not bad ;) Jag hoppas detta är rätt kurs ;)
By Lenni92
Your german is not bad, but I would say: In der Schule lerne ich deutsch. ;)