Vintage Car
Not rated

By Andeavor
03/23/2010 - 12:55:16

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 0.12 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop


I have no idea what kind of model it is but I'd love to see more of these on the streets.


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By piech666

xD lol la roue de secours qui tourne !!! trés reussi !

By Tha1337er

Reminds me of a Duesenburg...

By Lestrange

It might be a Modified Packard.

By BlackDragonAJ89

I like the looks of this car.

By Himmelslaub

Danke Dir für die netten Kommentare!
Ja zusammenhalten und den jungen hüpfern zeigen das es ok ist.Kam mir an dem tag vor wie zu stonewall zeiten!Mein Spore coming out.lol

By Mouthwash

The car that you based this off of is the Ford Model A, which came after the Model T. Not sure if you knew that or not....

By DizzyBiz

Fantastic build! Reminds me of prohibition days and gangsters...way before our time though, lol. R++

By Zebrati

Its so nice...why must it only be a prop?

By pelicanthor

Ever think about making an urban city set? I bet creators would find it very helpfull in adventures.

By genphilboubou

great car !!!

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