Gift for ThyTombStone
Not rated
By MirakaDragonling
01/18/2010 - 14:19:28
Type: House building
Rating: 0.18 (Not rated)
Tags: award, dragon, gift, gold, present, red, thytombstone, xiabel
Thy made a cool creature for me, so in return I now bestow upon him the Golden Xiabel-in-the-Box! Great gift to give others for B-days, Valentine's day (with some tweaking), or just for the heck of it. Enjoy Thy - you rock.
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By Barrebasse
By nanosaurx
Sproing! Nice color choice. I love the little party favor!
By avaslash
Hey awsome creation check out my creations too :) I curently working on hyper bikes and realistic creatures some of my creations are good (according to comments) Please comment :) I love sugestions (note this is just an add sorry if u think im spamming)
By Mysteryem
This gift is great! Good job! R+
By MirakaDragonling
Mech Xiabel sounds cool... Either way though, *I* certainly got a kick out of making a retort to your first comment, Thy. You really make for good inspiration that way. ^^
By MirakaDragonling
It doesn't?? Well, we'll just have to see
By ThyTombStone
i was just joking about the 1mil. figuratively speaking, i meant i cant give u anything i really cant give. Plus im working on a new mech xiabel. so far it sucks...
By ThyTombStone
Well thank you. if there is anythin u want, just ask. but remember, 1million dollars doesnt count ;)