GCG K-20 Fighter
Not rated

By MitsuUniverse
11/28/2009 - 21:53:16
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.16 (Not rated)
Tags: dakmaul, feudal realm, fighter, gcg, interdictor, mitsuuniverse, nanderoff
When the GCG and the Nanderoff forged an alliance, the Nanderoff incorporated their technology to create a fighter that is designated under the sought-after "K" Class.
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By hk1x1
A great looking fighter, nice work with the detail.
By Quami
Very sleek fighter, I hope I run across it in my galaxy. Love the coloration as well.
By Dakmaul
Sweet! Since The Interdictor is the only ship that uses Assailants, this'll make a good standard fighter.