Ullyses Starfighter
Not rated
By Koil08
10/30/2009 - 09:39:00
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.88 (Not rated)
Tags: colour, fighter, flat, koil08, star
Armed with two devastating fission detonators, the Ullyses excells at close range combat.
*new paint style experiments*
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By shane1993
are you even on anymore? The fighters you made (like this) were so amazing! :(
By Spekldorf
looks like an old classic video game ship
By Spekldorf
looks like an old classic video game ship
By Spartan150
Hi there Koi welcome back haven't seen you for months.
By Bluhman
This is so classic, star-fox styled. It's awesome. The colorization on it gives it a very retro-ish touch to it.
By n3hp3t5
Wow, very cool, sharp looking ship! Awesome job.
By TyraxLightning
This is a very handsome ship! :)
By Hilight
nicely done R !