Not rated

By lordmongoose001
10/20/2009 - 03:39:13

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.17 (Not rated)
Tags: banshee, halo, halo 2, halo 3, halo wars


Revamped for no apparant reason.


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By speeddemon26

is it revamped for no apparant reason X 2???!?!??!

By Umbreon7000

This looks so cool

By Gamemaster288

you have made two or three of these now

By 13chris1399

thats the best spaceship in all of spore!!!!!

By Toocooltommy


By yodarocks98

Me too!

By murdick

i love the pikkelone

By vikingman96

It's called a banshee for the sounds it makes while flying.(high pitch woosh kind of sound) and a banshee was a mythical creature that screams so you can find the relation.

By huntmbROCKS

Looks epic

By Jovas00

sings:Banshee from halo!

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