Egyptian Harbor
Not rated
By Andeavor
09/15/2009 - 16:19:23
Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)
Tags: ancient, gaprop, harbor, set:egyptian
Remade for GA.
Contact us at
By Andeavor
09/15/2009 - 16:19:23
Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)
Tags: ancient, gaprop, harbor, set:egyptian
Remade for GA.
By RobbiePhoebe
I hope you dont mind that I use a bunch of your egyptian set stuff in a GA.
By phaang
ummm...i tried to comment earlier but my cat stepped on the keyboard and closed the game...im not sure if that went through so: awsome! can i tweak this into and artic/wooden port? all credit to you if thats all right!
By Wooflang
Its got a very realistic Egyptian style. R+
By Reyes1
great building prop
By MissMusicPlayer
cool. what's the adventure?
By Vektrix
mazing work, welcome back to Spore R+