Mining Crisis
Not rated

By Kraznoo82
06/27/2009 - 15:24:37
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
The workers in a mining colony have been driven insane by radioactive waste. Destroy the source of the radiation to save them.

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By drybones10
It has a great layout but You can't recover from multiple attacks. there should be recovery areas scattered around
By Chaiyo_Kaldor
Wow, a very well done adventure. The atmosphere was practically perfect, and the huge mutants were terrifying and hilarious. The teleporters were surprising, but would be more difficult if they were timed.
By llamabd2000
Lolz at the guys just jumping into the lava. Also, cool robots.damn them for taking my energy tho haha
By Kraznoo82
Thanks to all the folks whose buildings I used in this mission.