Wingback Chair (with End Table)
Not rated
By Andeavor
06/20/2009 - 01:12:04
Type: House building
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)
Tags: book, chair, end, gaprop, table, wingback
A bookworm's delight.
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By Andeavor
06/20/2009 - 01:12:04
Type: House building
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)
Tags: book, chair, end, gaprop, table, wingback
A bookworm's delight.
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By Whispik
now where did i leave my halo novel, set up a foot rest then im good to go! great work as always.
By olive3000
Holy cow, great work again!
By Kai-Uwe79
wow. great workout! :))
By odDballL
A great place to sit back and comfortably go over the days mission at odDballL Empire Outpost Alpha HQ.
By Solten132
You are absolutely in all respects the best Spore creator in the history of foreverness, and you deserve an ice cream sandwich with sprinkles and a cherry dipped in chocolate.
By 10snails
Can I buddy you!?!? PLEASE!?!?
By darkfire97
will be jused in MANY adventures, i think! awes.
By DriveInAlien
These chairs are just awesome, have you found a way to have a creature sit in them? I tried to get my drummer to sit on his stool at the drumkit, without success...
By TnT-Productions
wow now this is superb bud, excellent work:) R+
By Yaifibar
all of these props look very good, and probably useeful
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