Virtual Tank VCT-05
Not rated

By quantamania
05/14/2009 - 00:09:11
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: armored, bizarre, cannon, hollow, lines, polyhedra, primitive, quantamania, rectangles, retro, simple, sphere, tank, trapezoids, triangles, turret, vector graphics, virtual
A TRON-style wireframe tank. Its cannon fires laser beams that can cut through 3-inch steel hulls of spaceships. Its cannon is fixed, so it uses its independent treads to turn around. Its armor is difficult to break through, even with hollow spaces.
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By sefmonsta
These are great! I just finished making a Tron racing level, but the next ones are going to be simpler styling - more vector-ish like this one.
By Tenguman
This is probobly my favorite one of these :3
By GodD3
that's awesome! I wish I thought of that!!!;) R++!!!!!!
By Sandman121
Tank! lol, Great job Quanta. How have you been buddy?
By Ezrie
Great look, awesome colors.. :)
By kaploy9
All your polygons are belong to us. :D
By Truenight
lol omg i remember playing those games just 10 years ago
By Snortix759
This virtual series is great!