NOVA-Track Section Template

By MohawkJones
04/29/2009 - 20:22:37

Type: House building
Rating: 5 (Good)
Tags: mohawkjones, nova, nova deathrace challenge, psychichazard


A small, non-booby trapped (or is it?), section of the infamous Nova Deathrace.


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By NewbarGE

Cool tracks!

By Potchez

Nice work on these track sections, I hope there will be some way for us to use these in GA. Very cool design and details on these.

By cantthinkofaname

R+ Cool idea and well made, and great set as well. I like the cones, as that is how I made them in some of my creations. Cool colors as well. Please take a look at some of my creations and give comments or tips, and keep up the good work!

By ProcyonGuardian

rofl xD

By bcrane

These road sections are incredible!!!

By Pirate123

Could you make an Entertainment building type track template?I have an idea that involves poisonous gas, but it has to be an Entertaiment-type building to work.

By smartwill

I am SO making a track of those in Galactic Adventures!

By MohawkJones

I should have said that anyone is welcome to modify this template for a track idea, if they want to, just throw a credit my way in the description :)

By Gory51

Hope you dont mind, I used this template to make a piece for the track, called Nova-Track- Big BOOM :)

By Virakotxa

Looks totally right! I bet this modular set is going to work dandy!

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