GX-17718 Mobile Light-Ion Cannon
Not rated

By stinger771
02/15/2009 - 19:11:08
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: alloy, cannon, future, futuristic, ion, machine, mech, metal
Made in the year 2552 as a scaled down version or the ion cannon satellite to be used as a transportable "uber-weapon", this new mech has an operating system that can process one septillion units of information every second enabling it attack and defend at unimaginable speeds making it a nightmare for any infantry, artillery, or slow heavy-mechs present on the battlefield.
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By mad_mopsick1
nice one...i am working with mechs now. can you comment em as soon as some apear?
By TinyPieGuy
Nice! Agree w/ shattari, it is cool to be a walking cannon :P
By shattari
Cool mech. I like that its pretty much a walking cannon. :)