By Assyroc
02/05/2009 - 10:41:53
Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 1.06 (Not rated)
Tags: assyroc, fighter, rycon
The Razor Hark class assault fighter is the current air/space superiority fighter of the Rycon Empire a is step away from the sleek lines of its predecessors. This is due to the contract going to the new Epslon Weapons Engineering Corporation. This is a change that was unfavourable with some of the older Delegates, but has proven more then affective.This 2 seater fighter is a power house of engineering, delivering unmatched speed a manoeuvrability without sacrificing firepower of strength. With new advancements in armouring a shield technologies giving the Razor Hawks the strength a endurance of a heavy bomber, while still maintain it?s prowess as a fighter. The manufactures also chose to completely move away projectile weapons in favour of 2 sets of energy based weapons. Doing away with conventional missiles a torpedos, instead using a set of Ionized Particle anti ship cannons as the primary heavy weapon of the fighter. The fighter is also equipped with a pair of high velocity Plasma cannons for its primary combat weapons. The Atmospheric/Zero G stabilising system coupled with its unique wing shape a layout, is what gives the Razor Hawk its unparalleled handling a manoeuvrability. Plus with the incorporation of advanced interconnecting A.I. a user interface systems into the design, making this fighter not only easily flyable by a novice pilot, but also deadly in squadron formations. All round this near faultless craft has but one flaw, its cost. At nearly 10 times the cost to develop compared to previous models a 3.5 times the cost to build per fighter. Making this a bold move for the Imperial council. One that outraged many a fuelled speculation that maybe the Rycon Empire was losing in the war against the Certaton?s a Duojh a that this was an act of desperation. Whatever the reasoning behind this, one thing is certain. That it was money well spent. The Razor Hawk fighters have given the Rycon Empire a massive tactical advantage a are helping shape the outcome of the war in their favour.

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By lordofbacon
wow that s avery detailed fighter i have thought of downloading it just to se what it is like to use in spore.
By ClanMayhew
Very cool, very mean looking little ship you have there. R+
By Serevanth
Fantastic ship design! So you're not just good with creatures I see! I love how in depth your descriptions have gotten, they are excellent!
By Enderhenne
Fantastic design!
By 3991nadnoc
Cool, R+ and added to battle ready sporecast!
By Didzo
Excellent! The shape of this thing is great!
By TinyPieGuy
By TinyPieGuy
Nice. :(. all of your creatures use CaC. I downloaded like 7 of them and I can't see a single one! (don't have CaC)
By Goar101
R+ =)
Nice colors! The dual cockpits are a nice addition to the ship.
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