Nuclear MLRS
Not rated

By LobsterMobster
12/07/2008 - 06:35:54

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
Tags: gwj, launcher, lobstermobster, missile, mlrs, nuclear, nuke, rocket, set:fortresscity, warhead


Multiple launch rocket system, capable of firing up to six nuclear weapons in rapid succession.


By world_piece

Sweet! Love your descriptions too.

By glr214


By Jade106

Very nicely done! Great design and descript! GJ! R+

By Koil08


By Hydro_Glyph

Blue faceded..I love this whole series, very cool.

By LtZerge

yay! moar weaponz.
and I hear theirs a "freedom on" button that will disable the auto symmetry. Cause I've seen some asymmetrical creatures... what button is it? thanks in advance, cause I have some cool ideas ready.

By MorDeCaza

Wow, that is really cool, took me a little bit to see the Missle bays


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