The Legend of Gyaka - Part II / Analysis

By ghrandozz
06/11/2016 - 17:23:54

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 1.5 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are now wearing the new suit of armor
Win message:
Yeah! Victory! Woohoo!
Lose message:
No!!! Your death cause us our armor being stolen and used as a weapon of mass destruction
ACT 1 :   Vengeance
ACT 2 :   The Power
Let us now test the power of this armor!
ACT 3 :   Linomata
Talk to the Engineer
ACT 4 :   To the Boats
Go to the sea shore
ACT 5 :   Following...
Quick!Follow the boat so that we can locate their base... and hopefully it will not notice us
ACT 6 :   To the Base
Let us follow them
ACT 7 :   Destruction!
Attack! Destroy them all!!!
ACT 8 :   Victory!
Yeah! Victory!
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