Predators of the Valley / Analysis

By kamil327
07/11/2015 - 18:42:41

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You landed in a valley, doesn't look like nothing much is going on here.
Win message:
The blindvipers are now gone and the city is in your debt.
Lose message:
I'm not sure what will happen to the city now.
ACT 1 :   Rocks
The rock seem to have creatures on top of them. Explore a bit
ACT 2 :   Wisest of them all
Follow Sanfan to the leader of the city(Sanfan might be a little shit and not walk properly, and it might take some time in order for her to reach her destination)
ACT 3 :   A hunter's hideout
You are to find where the menace comes from
ACT 4 :   Problem found
Go back to Jiong with news of where the blindvipers are coming from
ACT 5 :   

ACT 6 :   Killing time
Well you heard her kill the things(Again Sanfan, if she doesn't go through the cave then on the left side there's a river that leads to the onther part of the valley)
ACT 7 :   The deed is done
You did it, now you can leave
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