Lava Town / Analysis

By berrycreator
09/21/2011 - 23:10:10

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 2.5 (Good)

Basic info
Intro message:
Lava Town reports that it needs help! go find out whats the matter.
Win message:
you win! much study will be made on the tribe men!
Lose message:
you have died. the tribe got destoyed and so did Lava Town
ACT 1 :   get there!
find the boat and then ride it to Lava Town
ACT 2 :   weeeeeeeeeeeee
ride the boat to get to Lava Town. talk to Leader when you get therep.s. do NOT get into the lava
ACT 3 :   time to look
go to the tribe and find out what the hell is happening! talk to the chefstin.
ACT 4 :   lets see
go with the chefstin to find out whats going on!
ACT 5 :   oh poop
find your way to the horror with in!
ACT 6 :   yay!
you did it!! go tell the chefstin and Leader
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