Squidville Conquer (Dark Side) 3 / Analysis
By AlyssaJane
06/18/2011 - 23:40:28
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
This is it! Destroy the squid government and the whole squidville will be under you control!
This is it! Destroy the squid government and the whole squidville will be under you control!
Win message:
You have completed the Squidville conquer assignment.
You have completed the Squidville conquer assignment.
Lose message:
You have lost the best opportunity.
You have lost the best opportunity.
ACT 1 : Attack!
Destroy the government houses of Squidville!
Destroy the government houses of Squidville!
ACT 2 : Destroy!
Destroy the squids!
Destroy the squids!
ACT 3 : Collect!
Take some of the squids into slavery!
Take some of the squids into slavery!
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