Haunted Hotel / Analysis

By minastrith
05/08/2011 - 14:21:33
Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Haloman, kolz07, luminar, creetchahas, 93Assassin, and especialy VextheSane, made some items. VextheSane was a huge help, so a special thanks to you:)
Haloman, kolz07, luminar, creetchahas, 93Assassin, and especialy VextheSane, made some items. VextheSane was a huge help, so a special thanks to you:)
ACT 1 : Darkness
Man, it sure is getting dark and stormy out. You better find a place to sleep and fast. The only building you see for miles is this old mansion. You decide to take cover there for the night
Man, it sure is getting dark and stormy out. You better find a place to sleep and fast. The only building you see for miles is this old mansion. You decide to take cover there for the night
ACT 2 : Inside the Hotel
Wow, this place is bland. There aren't even doors to rooms. Oh no! The front door just shut. You need to find a way out.
Wow, this place is bland. There aren't even doors to rooms. Oh no! The front door just shut. You need to find a way out.
ACT 3 : The Elevator
You decide to try the Elevator first, because it could take you to the roof, and you could find a way down from there.
You decide to try the Elevator first, because it could take you to the roof, and you could find a way down from there.
ACT 4 : The Pool
Oh no! The elevator's broken! You decide to try the pool. Maybe it has something to fix the elevator.
Oh no! The elevator's broken! You decide to try the pool. Maybe it has something to fix the elevator.
ACT 5 : The Death Pool
Oh my god! What was that scream? It sounded like it came from the pool! You want to go check it out, but you're scared to.
Oh my god! What was that scream? It sounded like it came from the pool! You want to go check it out, but you're scared to.
ACT 6 : Towel to the rescue!
You found a towel! Now you can fix the elevator!
You found a towel! Now you can fix the elevator!
ACT 7 : Fixed Elevator
Good, the elevator is fixed! Now you can use it!
Good, the elevator is fixed! Now you can use it!
ACT 8 : Escape?
Finally! The roof! And there's even a ladder down. Oh no! The Nightguard is out! What kind of a hotel is this? At least you're getting out.
Finally! The roof! And there's even a ladder down. Oh no! The Nightguard is out! What kind of a hotel is this? At least you're getting out.
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