Genetics II, Division / Analysis

By jcool333
09/08/2010 - 04:31:42
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Uh, oh. You just beamed yourself right into a cage. And these stripes don't look too friendly. How much has the corruption spread?
Uh, oh. You just beamed yourself right into a cage. And these stripes don't look too friendly. How much has the corruption spread?
Win message:
The stripe homeworld has been lost but at least you helped the stripes escape. But where will they go next?
The stripe homeworld has been lost but at least you helped the stripes escape. But where will they go next?
Lose message:
Loser. The corrupt stripes pouring out of Sporium City will now deafeat the reamaining stripes because you failed.
Loser. The corrupt stripes pouring out of Sporium City will now deafeat the reamaining stripes because you failed.
ACT 1 : Sporium City
You've been captured by the corrupted stripes. But you killed them all at the veranga festival. How could this be?
You've been captured by the corrupted stripes. But you killed them all at the veranga festival. How could this be?
ACT 2 : Rescue
It's the stripes! They've come to rescue you! But you have to get out of this cage first.
It's the stripes! They've come to rescue you! But you have to get out of this cage first.
ACT 3 : Desparate times...
You escaped. Now let's find the empress and see how the stripes are doing.
You escaped. Now let's find the empress and see how the stripes are doing.
ACT 4 : ...call for desparate measures.
You need to get into the sewers of Sporium City. The entrance is out in the ocean where the corrupted stripes are dumping their used sporium.
You need to get into the sewers of Sporium City. The entrance is out in the ocean where the corrupted stripes are dumping their used sporium.
ACT 5 : The Tower
Now that you have the explosives, head to the secret entrance to the mines. Then meet up with the commander in the tower.
Now that you have the explosives, head to the secret entrance to the mines. Then meet up with the commander in the tower.
ACT 6 : Intruder Alert
You've been discovered before you could plant the bomb. Now just try to escape with your life.
You've been discovered before you could plant the bomb. Now just try to escape with your life.
ACT 7 : Overrun
Corrupted stripes running around the city causing chaos? De ja vu. See what you can do to help.
Corrupted stripes running around the city causing chaos? De ja vu. See what you can do to help.
ACT 8 : Save the Empress
The Empress must escape. Just defend her on her way to the Nomad.
The Empress must escape. Just defend her on her way to the Nomad.
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