Lost Contact - Part 10 / Analysis

By TheBuzzard
08/20/2010 - 20:04:44

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've beamed down on a frozen lake to the rear of the Hurriten complex. Keep an eye out for any hidden defences.
Win message:
The Hurriten-Piana base has been destroyed. Although there are still many unanswered questions... why are they breeding Scaravoids?
Lose message:
Ahem. The base is still there. Try again.
ACT 1 :   Back Door
You're in. Now head for the rendezvous point. Just keep in mind that the Hurriten-Piana probably took measures to prevent you from doing this...
ACT 2 :   Experimentation
Enter the research building that isn't falling apart and see what's worrying Liro so much.
ACT 3 :   Hacking
"'Captain, this is Liro. The hacking program's finished its work. The results not what I expected, but we can work around it."'
ACT 4 :   Kaboomski
The auto-defences have been... disabled. Miraculously, Asha's team have survived the explosion.
ACT 5 :   Kaboomski the Sequel
Woah. That's one heck of a bomb. But a thermonuclear charge? Surely it would levelled the entire continent...
ACT 6 :   A Sticky End?
You exit the tunnel, only to be greeted by some natives...
ACT 7 :   AHHHHH!!!!
The Raptors are attacking!! Wait, what's that in the distance?
ACT 8 :   Saved!
Ot has rescued you!! Hooray!!
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