Mondrian Colony / Analysis

By Sammy39O
08/06/2010 - 14:04:23
Type: Template adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Sensenet is asking for the help of an alien captain on the surface of Polus. You won't turn down a job offer from the galaxy's greatest entertainment network, will you?
Sensenet is asking for the help of an alien captain on the surface of Polus. You won't turn down a job offer from the galaxy's greatest entertainment network, will you?
Win message:
Good job! You have helped Doc Xennu complete another episode of Xenoplanets!
Good job! You have helped Doc Xennu complete another episode of Xenoplanets!
Lose message:
Do you want to try again? Sensenet can always do another take.
Do you want to try again? Sensenet can always do another take.
ACT 1 : Explore
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